“I love Visible Ink. I can just come here and teach myself new things because I have nothing to lose.”
– Nikki
Bookings for Rooms and Equipment are taken through online booking forms, but if you have any questions feel free to have a chat with us. Outside of our opening hours you will need to have an access card to get into the space, details about this will be included in your booking confirmation, so please read them carefully.
Please be aware that Visible Ink isn’t staffed Sunday-Tuesday so please allow enough time for your booking to be processed if you want to access the space on those days.

REHEARSAL SPACE: A 50 square-metre multi-purpose space with timber floors, full length curtains, and floor-to-ceiling mirrors for rehearsals. The room is fully air-conditioned, with access to a projector, screen, sound system and free WiFi. Also contains seating for up to 65 people, and can be used as a film screening or performance venue (staff can even set up a small stage for you if you’d like!).

MULTI SPACE: A dual purpose rehearsal and meeting space with timber floors, a mirrored wall and good natural light (or complete darkness via blinds). This room can seat 20 people at foldaway tables and also has a projector, sound system, whiteboard and free WiFi access.

MEETING ROOM: Suitable for small group meetings or activities, fits 8 comfortably. This room has WiFi access.

The Visible Ink Media Studio is a free facility providing access to professional equipment and software for young people with a basic knowledge of Audio Production and Film Editing Software. You must attend an Induction Session before booking this studio, to book your Induction click here, tell us what you want to use the space for and we will reply with an invitation to the next Induction Session. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon from 4pm to 8pm for regular music activities!
This Studio features professional audio and graphic design tools including:
- Audio Software: GarageBand, Ableton Live & Audacity
- Film Software: Adobe Premier Pro and Creative Suite for Graphic Design and Film editing
- Hardware: iMac with Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Interface, Rode NT2-A Microphone, KRK Rokit 8 Monitors

CREATIVE SPACE: Stocked with visual arts supplies from paint to pastel to plaster, this space is available during Visible Ink’s opening hours for you to come along and be creative. Anything made in the space is yours to take home, and it’s all free. We also host Art Sessions every Friday afternoon from 4pm to 6pm.

MAKER SPACE: Visible Ink provides free internet, computers and printing services for young people during our opening hours. We have a lot of young and emerging bands, zinesters and groups working on festivals, events and rallies that hang out in the Maker Space. It’s a great place to connect with other creatives and get inspired.

BREAKOUT SPACE/KITCHEN: We have an awesome lounge and kitchen area to chill out and relax in with free tea and coffee. It is stocked with crockery and utensils, we just ask that you clean up your mess and throw your stuff in the dishwasher.

ENTERPRISE TENANCY: We have hot desk options available for young people starting out as a part of our VI: Enterprise program. We offer young people, under the age of 25 years, a safe and central space to pursue creative or professional ventures, see our Enterprise page for more details.

COURTYARD: Our outdoor area is a nice place to relax, have some lunch and catch the breeze.

COPY & DESTROY ZINE LIBRARY: The zine library showcases our collection of zines, from current and past zine makers. We also have an archive of zines spanning the past decade, if you wanna have a blast from the past. Come in and have a browse!